Senior Spotlight: Zack Lawson


Up this month for our Senior Spotlight is a near-constant presence in the SAU theatre: Zack Lawson.

Zack frequently works backstage with the crew and has taken part in many SAU shows. He's a veteran of the theatre and a vital part of our crew here, especially because he knows what he's doing in just about any situation. So let's hear what this titan of tech has to say about his time at St. Ambrose!

Hometown: Dixon, IL
Majors: Theatre

Q: Of all the shows you've been involved in, which one has been your favorite? Was it because of the work you got to do for it, or because of the show itself?
A: My favorite show was Into the Woods. It was the hardest show that I've ever worked on, but the end result and the audience reactions made everything worth it.

Q: What is your favorite show? (Whether you've been involved in a production of it or not)
A: My favorite show that I want to be a part of again is Red by John Logan. I love the script and after working on it for my old theater, I really want to direct it because it made me view art in a way that I never had before.

Q: You took up the role of dramaturg for Picasso at the Lapin Agile. What was that process like? Are you considering being a dramaturg in the future?
A: The process for dramturging Picasso was to go through the script and research any person, place, reference, or idea mentioned. I ended up paying for a membership to because I used them for most of my research. While I had fun with the research, I don't see myself as pursuing dramaturgy past this point.

Q: Speaking of which, what are your plans for the future?
A: My plans for the future are to apply for internships at the Milwaukee Repertory Theater in Wisconsin and see where that can lead me.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories from your time at St. Ambrose?
A: One of my favorite memories is one of the last rehearsals for our production of Noises Off. It was a tough show to pull off, but thanks to our crew and actors we were able to make the process of moving a two-story set twice in a show as smooth as possible.

Q: Is there any advice you'd like to share?
A: Try everything. You never know what you'll find your passion for if you never experience it.

And there you have it: a dynamic and brief retrospective of Zack and his time here. I know Zack will be missed dearly by this department, especially by Kris Eitrheim and the tech crew. But all we can do is wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!

Zack, you will always be welcome to visit, and maybe hang a few lights while you're here!


Senior Spotlight

Zach Lawson

Zach's favorite show was Into the Woods. "It was the hardest show that I've ever worked on, but the end result and the audience reactions made everything worth it."

Try everything. You never know what you'll find your passion for if you never experience it.

Senior Zach Lawson

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